Author Archives: admin

It’s the most wonderful time of the Year!

As Andy Williams once sung- It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Yes – but it’s not Christmas it’s the business awards season! I’ve been busy judging, presenting and attending awards this autumn. Amongst these have been Made in … Continue reading

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Back in Parliament

I was recently back in Parliament to support the launch of Manufacturing Commission’s new inquiry: Upskilling Industry, Manufacturing Productivity and Growth in England. The report explores the reasons for the skills gap in UK manufacturing and makes recommendations to Government … Continue reading

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Visit to Popham Airfield

I had the good fortune recently to visit a long standing friend and former colleague Mike Pearson who’s the Airfield Manager at Popham and also happens to be the General Aviation Advocate at the Department of Transport – big cheese … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

A donation has been made to Oakleaf Enterprise. Helping those in need at this difficult time of the year

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Birthday celebrations- Final update

UPDATE 30th May 2022 Well I did it! So pleased to have completed Ride London for Oakleaf My fundraising has gone well but more contributions are always gratefully received on my Just Giving page. Just ten pounds will pay for … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas Everyone

As we seem to be stuck in a bit of a ‘Groundhog day’ situation I thought I would re-issue last year’s card – the message still stands unfortunately       A donation has been made to Oakleaf Enterprise   Open … Continue reading

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Visit to Pilgrim Motorsports

A great day out for the automotive enthusiast at Pilgrim Motorsports. Many thanks to MD Paul Bennett for hosting it and Rupert Rawcliffe for inviting me. So many great cars in various states of restoration or new build! It was interesting … Continue reading

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Delighted and honoured to have been asked to write a chapter for a book published recently and especially pleased to be alongside contributions from authors such as Vicky Pryce, Sir Jonathan Porritt and Tony Juniper. Many thanks to the editors Beverley … Continue reading

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University graduation ceremony

  A great day being asked to be the keynote speaker at the University of Surrey Graduation ceremony.   Congratulations to all of the graduands.   For those brave enough, the speech can be seen here      

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Technology adoption – do our habits hold us back?

Everyday we see a new technology coming to light that will influence our everyday lives. At the moment it seems to involve a plethora of new electric vehicles each with more intelligence (nearly always not AI) and a more efficient … Continue reading

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