Monthly Archives: November 2014
Back to No10
Visits to No 10 must be like London buses- you wait forever and then two come along at the same time. After a visit to 10 Downing Street with members of IoD Council two weeks … Continue reading
The challenge of change
My latest article for South East Business magazine The full article can be found here http://www.southeastbusiness.com/print-edition/november-2014
Managing Manufacturing Risk
I recently wrote a guest article for Zurich Insider detailing how smaller manufacturing companies could manage and mitigate risks to their business. The article can be found here http://insider.zurich.co.uk/market-expertise/managing-manufacturing-risk/
Visit to Number 10 Downing Street
It was very interesting to be part of the IoD Council delegation to 10 Downing Street last week. A lively debate with senior Ministers was held. http://www.iod.com/influencing/policy-news/iod-delegation-meets-ministers-at-no10?utm_source=social-media&utm_medium=twitter&utm_content=policy-news&utm_campaign=IoD-no-10
Improving The Effectiveness Of Your Board
Improving The Effectiveness Of Your Board How to Choose the Right Person to Succeed You Interestingly most organisations don’t succession plan very well. This probably goes back to the fact that many don’t do thorough risk management. Within a process … Continue reading
Open Sesame – SME success for South East Business
My latest blog on the DMH Stallard “SME Rocket” is about a small business in Surrey with an innovative solution to help those confined to a wheelchair. You can find the story here http://smerocket.net/2014/10/09/sme-success-southeast-business/
Looking after the interests of the South East
My latest article in South East Business Magazine looking at the aftermath of the Scottish Referendum and the impact on the South East of England The article and full magazine can be found here http://www.southeastbusiness.com/print-edition/october-2014
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