Category Archives: Manufacturing & Engineering

It’s the most wonderful time of the Year!

As Andy Williams once sung- It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Yes – but it’s not Christmas it’s the business awards season! I’ve been busy judging, presenting and attending awards this autumn. Amongst these have been Made in … Continue reading

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Back in Parliament

I was recently back in Parliament to support the launch of Manufacturing Commission’s new inquiry: Upskilling Industry, Manufacturing Productivity and Growth in England. The report explores the reasons for the skills gap in UK manufacturing and makes recommendations to Government … Continue reading

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A new economy?

Reflecting on nearly six months of COVID-19 measures I must admit to some frustrations with the present administration for missing opportunities to deliver some positive strategic impact on the economy. The furlough scheme has been a lifesaver for some businesses … Continue reading

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COVID19 and the move to zero carbon

At the end of March 2020 the Daily Telegraph predicted that oil prices could go negative In the third week of April they did. As a consequence of this, CO2 emissions in the UK are dropping as consumption falls due … Continue reading

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Reflections on the Apollo programme

Last month rekindled a lot of childhood memories for me with the 50th anniversary of the first of the Apollo moon landings on July 20th 1969. As a seven year old, the whole Apollo programme fascinated me and inspired me … Continue reading

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RSM supported event at Rayner

I was very pleased to be invited to be part of a panel at a recent event organised by RSM at Sussex company Rayner, a specialist innovator and manufacturer of intraocular lenses. The event consisted of a presentation by Rayner, followed … Continue reading

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BEIS Industrial Energy Consultation

A very constructive meeting between BEIS officials, Trade bodies and manufacturing companies to discuss two schemes to reduce UK’s Carbon Footprint. It was an interesting meeting which discussed how to improve the efficiency of high energy use businesses but also … Continue reading

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MakeUK/APMG Parliamentary reception

  Rousing speeches  by Jonathan Reynolds MP Richard Harrington MP at the recent MakeUK APMG Parliamentary reception. An event to celebrate all that’s best about British Manufacturing and catch up with valued colleagues.

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Manufacturing Commission Inquiry

At the House of Lords recently with fellow Commissioners, Chair Lord Bilimoria CBE and Vice Chair Barry Sheerman MP to launch the Manufacturing Commission’s Inquiry “Making the Local Industrial Strategy work for Manufacturing”. An interesting and wide ranging discussion to … Continue reading

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Interesting event at the RAF Museum Hendon.

This week I had the pleasure of being a guest of the US Embassy at an event held at the RAF Museum at Hendon celebrating the “rebirth” of the C-47 Dakota “That’s all Brother”   The C-47 that led the … Continue reading

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